PDL Consulting & Outsourced Services, LLC is compromised of Doctorate educated content experts, whose vocational successes are unprecedented.

We are fully versed in the administrative dynamics of:  Human Resources; Risk Management; Workers' Compensation; Employee Safety; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); Leave of Absence Administration; and Ergonomics.

Our clients range from small, family-owned businesses to multi-billion dollar, international conglomerates.



Our management consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities. We bring deep, functional expertise, that allows us to capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization. We have proven a multiplier effect from optimizing the sum of the parts, not just the individual pieces.


Some clients may not have the financial means to employ full-time content experts, or their business may not view certain competencies of administration as core processes.  We afford you the opportunity to remain in compliance with Local, State and Federal employment and labor law, while you focus on your actual business objective. 


We empower our clients to identify people and process challenges that may be preventing their organization from achieving optimal results. Our goal is to partner with you to assess, envision, develop and execute powerful training that increases productivity, improves performance and inspires continuous focus on excellence.




Our company actively participates in the development of the corporation's plans and programs as a strategic partner, but particularly from the perspective of the impact on people.  We thrive in evaluating and advising on the impact of long range planning of new programs/strategies and regulatory action as those items impact the attraction, motivation, development and retention of the people resources of the corporation.  We have developed human resource planning models to identify competency, knowledge and talent gaps and develop specific programs for the filling of the gaps. Areas of activity will include talent management through proper succession planning programs for key contributor and management positions, training and development programs for preparing employees for more significant responsibilities and general business development programs to enhance employee knowledge and understanding of the business of the company.  We pride ourselves in drafting appropriate policies and programs for effective management of the people resources of the corporation. Included in this area be programs for employee relations, affirmative action, sexual harassment, employee complaints, external education and career development.  It is through proven structure that one may continue improving the programs, policies, practices and processes associated with meeting the strategic and operational people issues of the organization.

We offer a plethora of Human Resources services in the role of consultant for your on-site staff, or the outsourced business partner for any topics requiring the administration by a renowned content expert.  We specialize in:

  • Human Resources Legal Compliance
  • Policy and Procedure Implementation
  • Audits and Policy review
  • Employee Relations
  • Training and Employee Relations
  • Manager Boot Camp
  • Performance Management
  • Organizational Assessment and Development
  • Workforce Planning and Reorganization

Our company prides itself on designing and leading solutions to enhance and grow the business ensuring effective and efficient delivery of Human Resource services and functions.  In this litigious state of events, it is imperative that management perfects the finite dance of adhering to employee rights, while making every effort to protect the assets of the company from litigation.  We will serve as the compliance officer with the planning, development, organization, implementation, direction and evaluation of multiple functions in accordance with the policies and practices of the company, and taking into consideration the ethical and social consciences of business and society, as well as, the laws, regulations and administrative rulings of governmental organizations and other regulatory and advisory bodies.




We will identify and analyze your exposures, and evaluate your risk management and insurance program to determine whether your assets are adequately and cost effectively protected.  You receive assurance that your risk management program is up to current standards and benchmarks, and that best practices are being followed. The scope of services involved with a Program Audit typically includes:

  • Identification, prioritization and quantification of exposures to loss. This step typically involves onsite meetings with key personnel to discuss operations, review of pertinent business contracts, and evaluation of prior loss experience.
  • Program review to identify potential duplications or gaps in coverage.
  • Evaluation of the appropriateness of coverage limits.
  • Confirmation of reasonableness of pricing and retentions.
  • Recommendations for improvement on current insurance and risk financing program and/or improvement on risk management policies and procedures.

Possible preparation of educational material for senior management on findings and overall program design. We develop and implement procurement strategies ranging from single-vendor renewal negotiations to formal multi-vendor bid processes.  We design customized specifications, proactively manage the renewal process, evaluate proposals, and negotiate on your behalf.  Your protection is improved and your overall cost of risk is reduced. Depending on a client's specific circumstances, our services may include:

  • Facilitation of broker selection processes. 
  • Orchestration of multiple broker competitive bidding.
  • Renewal strategy development and negotiation with incumbents.

We provide continuing strategic counsel and risk management support services to make sure your insurance program addresses your changing needs.  You receive on-call, flexible support from knowledgeable and experienced risk management professionals. Specific services may include:

  • Risk assessments related to new operational activities. 
  • Reports for board and executive management.
  • Contract and business agreement analysis.
  • Annual policy and endorsement review.
  • Verification of accuracy of program agreements and premium adjustments.

We develop workers' compensation and public liability safety programs, train key personnel in accident investigation and claims procedures, negotiate claim reserve amounts with insurance companies, and develop strategies to bring claims to prompt, equitable settlements. You receive assurance that best practices are being followed, collateral requirements are in check, and reserve funds are appropriate.  This all helps reduce your overall cost of risk. We are qualified to address claims issues in all lines of insurance and in all jurisdictions. Specific services include:

  • Claim Auditing.  We evaluate the effectiveness of claims providers by examining claims handling strategies and execution, reserving practices, staffing, supervision, and policies/procedures.
  • Claims Cost Control Programs. Develop and implement claims cost control programs for corporate clients and provide training to key personnel.
  • TPA Selection.  Manage the TPA selection process: draft requests for proposals, interview qualified candidates, create comparison matrixes and provide selection recommendations.
  • Our insurance due diligence services support different stages of the lending, acquisition or ownership process.
  • Transactional Due Diligence – we bridge the legal environment and the insurance and risk financing insurance needs during the acquisition or pre-development process.
  • Ongoing Due Diligence – “things happen” that adversely expose our clients’ collateral during a project’s life cycle.  We act as a resource by independently monitoring insurance or alternative risk financing programs, identifying deficiencies and helping resolve them before situations get out of control.
  • Compliance Review Services – through customized audits, we evaluate a project’s current insurance protection and document an insurance program’s compliance against requirements contained in executed agreements.  We identify deficiencies and prioritize actions that restore protection of our clients’ collateral.
  • We provide the best value when we’re brought into the picture before agreements are signed, though we are not shy about jumping into the middle of a process to help it resolve successfully.





Most employers are affected adversely by the colossal expense of workers’ compensation premiums and case expenditures, but are unacquainted with the tools necessary to lessen said expenses.  Our purpose is to educate the employer on the key components of workers’ compensation so that they can monitor the performance of their insurance administrator and impel the timely resolution of cases. During our initial meeting with a prospective client, we will inquire as to the issues that their company is encountering and will correlate a goal for correcting the hindrance caused by the same.  Once a goal is established, we will perform a formal audit of all workers’ compensation cases being directed by the workers’ compensation administrator.  This audit will afford PDL Consulting Services the opportunity to identify deficiencies with the following:

  • Claims administration practices
  • Action plans
  • Legal representation
  • Reserve projections
  • Physician selection (MPN & SPECIALTY)
  • All other components affecting the program

Most companies cannot justify the expense of employing a full time professional to create and mentor their workers’ compensation program.  We will tailor our services to the specific requisite of our client.  We are infamous for creating comprehensive workers’ compensation programs to include:

  • Initial and accelerated training for all involved employees
  • Writing and implementing all policies and procedures for the company
  • Establishing service agreements with the workers’ compensation administrator
  • Composing workers’ compensation manuals and transitional duty programs
  • Any other specialized request made by our client.

Our objective is to provide our clients with the wisdom necessary to command their workers’ compensation program in a prompt and efficient manner, allowing them the opportunity to direct their focus upon the fundamentals of their company rather than inflated expenditures related to workers’ compensation.




If an entity employs one (1) or more individuals, they are considered an employer.  Therefore, the employer is obligated to comply with the rules and regulations established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).  Under OSHA the employer is forced to observe thousands of requirements in an attempt to provide a safe working environment and prevent injuries from occurring. We are a team of dedicated safety consulting professionals whose practice is the structure and implementation of workplace safety, corporate loss control and regulatory compliance. Every member of our staff not only holds highly technical degrees but we have practical applied experience. We bring a reality of what works and what does not to every situation. As consultants, we think strategically to accomplish workplace safety goals within the totality of our client’s business. We speak your language and understand the performance and budget constraints that affect your decision making. As specialists in our field, we will assess your safety and loss control issues with you.   We appreciate the fact that most companies cannot realize and comply with all of the regulations of OSHA and still focus on governing a successful enterprise.  Thus, our services are derived from the idea of eliminating most of the burdensome OSHA practices for our clients.  Our team will:

  • Write and implement all polices and procedures specific to the company
  • Structure safety training modules based upon the company’s business model
  • Maintain all safety training records and State reporting requirements (OSHA FORMS 300, 300A AND 301)
  • Compose all obligatory manuals, to include I.I.P.P. and E.A.P
  • Identify posting requirements
  • Respond to any OSHA citation

Any other specialized request made by our client. While not all accidents are preventable ,we believe that most can be prevented. The end goal is to help companies create and maintain safer work environments for all employees. Our services move beyond simply helping prevent accidents, they help the employer develop safe, high-quality work environments that boost their members knowledge and awareness of safety issues and best practices, helping our client maintain quality, production and profitability for their business.




The process followed by Consulting Services has resulted in no claim of discrimination filed against any of our clients litigating beyond mediation.  In addition, these dismissals have resulted in no monetary award being granted to any plantiff.   We provide public and private sector employers with comprehensive management of their disability compliance obligations. Our consultants will manage all or part of the Interactive Process to support employers to make sound reasonable accommodation decisions. To support clients, our consultants will contact employees requesting or requiring accommodation, obtain needed medical information, develop an essential function job analysis – if needed, coordinate and then facilitate the good faith interactive process meeting to support clients to make decisions on what accommodations may be reasonable to implement. Our consultants are Human Resource professionals who understand Risk Management and California and Federal Disability Laws, but also understand how all of these laws and regulations must integrate with your existing personnel rules, collective bargaining agreements and labor relation goals. Extensive hands-on experience supporting employers to comply with their obligations under the ADA disability laws provide our consultants with a unique ability to provide convincing testimony relating to the adequacy of a company’s interactive process, the reasonableness of their decisions and the appropriateness of the implementation of decisions. PDL Consulting Services provides testimony for both public and private sector employers, with consultants who hold a unique knowledge of how accommodation decisions impact collective bargaining agreements, public sector due process obligations, the Education Code and retirement plan regulations. We support employers through handling all aspects of a fitness-for-duty process; from reviewing appropriateness of scheduling an examination, contacting the employee, scheduling appointments, providing the medical provider with information needed to make an assessment on fitness to return to work, and supporting clients should work restrictions result from the examination. Employers can feel confident that our consultants will effectively handle these processes with sensitivity and thoroughness.





Employers are increasingly faced with significant challenges in effectively managing FMLA and State-leave-related absences. Inappropriate administration and mismanagement of absences can cost an employer millions of dollars in revenue, production and legal fees. Today’s employees are becoming more knowledgeable on the use of FMLA and State-leave benefits.  As their knowledge and use of these benefits increases, so too will your associated administrative and personnel costs.  To combat increasing costs associated with employee absences, it is both financially and administratively critical to have a solid, well-governed absence management program in place.  We have emerged as the consulting firm of choice for several companies conducting business in multiple states, wherein leaves must be administered in compliance with whichever regulation supersedes:  Local, State or Federal.

Why is our business model so successful?

  • Reduced administrative time and expense through more-efficient, automated administration.
  • Positively impact employee productivity and morale through fair and consistent application of leave requirements. Each claim is processed utilizing the same workflow. Employees have one toll-free telephone number to call, and our staff is available 24/7 to assist their leave of absence needs.
  • Consistent and accurate tracking of leave of absence applied hours. Outsourcing eliminates the need for manual tracking or counting of hours to determine an employee’s eligibility and/or available FMLA benefit time.   
  • Employee education. The education of employees on any new program or policy is essential to a program’s success. We provide customized education programs for all absence management programs.
  • Accurately capture and report lost work time, associated costs and employee trends. Reports can be customized to provide ongoing transaction information and program trends, which can be used for staffing, management and other planning.
  • Alleviate concerns regarding privacy. We strive to ensure that all communications comply with the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act’s (HIPAA) requirements for protected health information.
  • Remain in compliance with Local, State and Federal Leave laws. Defense of an FMLA complaints average $78,000 to $100,000 in legal fees, regardless of the outcome. We stay current on regulation updates and proposed State and Federal leave law changes.
  • Customization of your program. Program design, reporting, educational materials and correspondence to employees can be customized to meet each client’s individual needs, policies and workplace culture.    
  • Designated Leave Specialists. We understand the importance of relationships. As such, we assign Designated Leave Specialists to each of our clients. Our Leave Specialists are highly trained, experienced professionals with a thorough knowledge of FMLA, and Local and State-specific leave regulations.



Ergonomics is the study of people, in relation to their work environments. We focus on making adjustments to the day-to-day aspects of jobs, in order to benefit your employees. Through our customized wellness consulting and ergonomic programs, we can help you improve the health and well being of your employees.

We design and tailor ergonomic programs around the individual, and the company’s short and long term goals. We achieve this by designing personalized ergonomic recommendations and training employees on proper use of equipment and posture. We are concerned with understanding your population and domain in order to produce a more productive and comfortable work environment.  We provide comprehensive evaluations of applicants and existing employees using proven methods established by Cornel University. We are also versed in writing policies to protect employers wherein employees decline recommended equipment. 

  • On-line pre-evaluation surveys
  • Virtual ergonomic evaluations
  • On-site, in-person evaluations
  • Pre-approved ergonomic standard and furniture guide
  • Testing centers in select cities

Our ergonomists have partnered with the best industry leaders, and are able to afford our clients discounts of up to 40% from the most illustrious ergonomic products and furnishings.